Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Site #3: War Memorial

The reason I am bringing the Civilian War Memorial to you is because the names of the civilians who sacrificed their precious lives during the Japanese Occupation of Singapore are engraved on it. It is located opposite Raffles City, in the Downtown Core of Singapore's Central Region. The structure of four pillars soar to more than 68 m symbolizing the shared 'war experiences' of the Chinese, Indians, Malays, and other races. It resembles two pairs of chopsticks, so it is affectionately called the "chopsticks" memorial because of its unusual design. Since its completion and unveiling on 15 February, 1967, exactly 25 years after the "Fall of Singapore", every year on 15 February, ex-servicemen, families and others gather at the memorial to commemorate that fateful day.

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